Model Magic - Sprucestudios

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Model Magic

Model Magic - The Complete Series
Bob Symes Collection presents- Model Magic. The Model Magic series was first shown on Ulster TV and Channel 4 in 1985. All 6 programmes are shown on this double DVD as well as the short trailer for the book of the series by Vic Smeed which is still available to purchase, via the Internet.
1. Models and History. Allen Levy from the now closed London Toy Museum reflects on the history of models. Quality modelling by Stanley Beeson and Roye England talks about the Pendon Museum. Original transmission time: Monday September 16, 1985, 5.30 PM
2. Model Cars and Trams. John Prentice talks trams, Phil Greeno races his radio controlled model cars and Gerald Wingrove shares some secrets involved in building a scaled Alpha Romeo. Original transmission time: Monday September 23, 1985, 5.30 PM
3. Model Ships and Yachts. Malcolm Darch visits Guildford Model Boats Club and learns about radio control, Vic Smeed talks Yachts and Alex MacFadyen shows his latest model - HMS Vanguard. Original transmission time: Monday September 30, 1985, 5.30 PM
4. Model Aircraft. David Boddington explains the differences between gliders, fixed wing aircraft and helicopters and shows various options, including free flight and radio controlled. Original transmission time: Monday October 7, 1985, 5.30 PM
5. Model Railways. Bob Symes shows his own Gauge 1 line, Stuart Hine builds a 4 wheel van. David and Shirley Rowe share some secrets on their 00 gauge industrial sand working layout. Original transmission time: Monday October 14, 1985, 5.30 PM
6. The Miniature Engineer. John Stubbs shows his working model of a horse drawn fire engine, Eric Best shows his cardboard traction engines and Derek Wilson talks about steam boilers. Original transmission time: Monday October 21, 1985, 5.30 PM
Richard and Heather Productions
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